A descriptive essay can be deemed as effective if it can help readers form an impression or an image of the subject/object being described. A descriptive essay is one of those essays that promote full artistic freedom as the personal style of a writer can be seen and observed if a reader will review the essay’s content and structure SBI PO Previous Year Question Paper: SBI Clerk Previous Year Question Paper: SBI SO Previous Year Question Paper: IBPS PO Previous Year Question Paper Descriptive text atau dalam istilah writing hanya dikenal dengan "description" adalah salah satu pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang harus dikuasai tidak hanya oleh anak SMP, tapi juga oleh anak SMA, Mahasiswa dan siapapun yang mencintai bahasa Inggris. Karena bagaimanapun, materi descriptive writing sangat perlu untuk perkembangan kemampuan bahasa
Descriptive text structure pdf
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Log In Sign Up. Download Free PDF. Rahmat Hidayat. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. READ PAPER, descriptive text pdf. Al-Hafizh2 English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts State University of Padang e-mail: gi.
gy gmail. com Abstrak Penulisan makalah ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan penggunaan toothpick game sebagai salah satu kegiatan yang menarik dalam menulis sebuah descriptive text yang difokuskan pada siswa kelas 8 Sekolah Menengah Pertama SMP. Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama SMP pada umumnya kesulitan dalam membuat sebuah descriptive text. Siswa seringkali kesulitan menciptakan ide tentang topik yang diberikan.
Kurangnya kreatifitas dalam pengajaran menulis descriptive text, menjadi penyebab lain menulis kurang begitu menarik bagi siswa.
Toothpick game merupakan salah satu permainan yang diaplikasikan dalam pengajaran menulis teks deskriptif di kelas untuk mempermudah siswa untuk menemukan ide-ide dalam mendeskripsikan suatu topik, descriptive text pdf. Toothpick game dilengkapi dengan gambar-gambar yang menarik dan beberapa tusuk gigi sehingga siswa akan termotivasi untuk menulis.
Dalam permainan ini siswa berlomba dalam menulis kalimat yang menggambarkan tentang bagian gambar yang disentuh oleh tusuk gigi. Didalam melakukan permainan ini siswa melakukan secara berkelompok. Permainan ini digunakan dalam kegiatan whilst-teaching activity. Dengan menggunakan permainan ini diharapkan siswa mampu descriptive text pdf teks deskriptif dengan baik dan benar.
Kata Kunci: pengajaran menulis, teks deskriptif, pengajaran di SMP, toothpick game A. According to Nunan writing is the mental work of inventing ideas, thinking about how to express them, and organizing them descriptive text pdf statements and descriptive text pdf that will be clear to a reader.
September Based on curriculumthere are five genres which have to be mastered by the students such as narrative text, descriptive text, recount text, procedure text and report text. In its application the students are expected to understand about the purpose of the text, descriptive text pdf, language features, and generic structure of the text, descriptive text pdf. Descriptive text have some characteristics that make it difference with other genres.
Boardmand and Frydenberg mention the goal of descriptive text is to give the readers about a clear mental picture of what is being described. This is indicated by some situations and problems in the process of teaching writing. The first problem descriptive text pdf from students themselves. The students are the lack of ideas, descriptive text pdf, lack of vocabularies, descriptive text pdf, lack of the knowlegde about the right grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
These were reasons why students descriptive text pdf that writing is difficult and a boring activity since they did not know how and what they should write. Besides, the students had lack of motivation to write. This is occurs because the students do not have self confidence. The students are afraid if they make mistakes in writing including vocabulary, descriptive text pdf, grammar, punctuation, organization, and mechanism, they will be laughed by their friends.
It is a kind of game to practice making sentences describing the pictures. Toothpick game has purpose to make students easier to express their ideas and be creative. There are several definitions of writing. In other words, it is a way of communicating descriptive text pdf people. Some people hold descriptive text pdf false belief that writing is a talent that some have and others do not, descriptive text pdf.
This belief make them never make an effort to learn writing. According to Langan 9 writing is a skill, and like most other skills, such as typing, driving, or cooking, it can be learned. Therefore, everyone can learn writing with more practice and it can be mastered by hard work. In writing class, especially in junior high school, teacher should give clear instruction to the students and help them.
According to Scrivener in Ernida a typical route for classroom work might involve some steps on helping students to write. They are introducing the topic, introducing and summarizing the main writing task, brainstorming ideas, selecting and rejecting ideas, deciding on specific requirements; style, information, descriptive text pdf, layout.
Further, teaching of writing in Junior High School should be done appropriately. Students of Junior high school are in the age of 12 to 14 years old and categorized as adolescent.
Dorn and Soffos in Irawati and Maharani say that in teaching writing to young learners, teachers have to recognize the complexity of the process and also think a moment about what happens in the mind of their students as they create a written work. Based on curriculumdescriptive text pdf, one of the genres that should be taught in grade eight in junior high school is a descriptive text. According to Boardman and Frydenberg descriptive text is a text that describes about something looks like.
He also mentions that the goal of a descriptive paragraph gives the reader a clear mental picture of what is being described. Furthermore, Gerrot and Wignell defines that the social function of descriptive text is to describe a particular person, place or thing. So, descriptive text is a kind of text that enables the reader to visualize it, descriptive text pdf. Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in discussing the use of toothpick game to help junior high school students in writing a descriptive text.
The writer focuses on writing ability of the students since the demand to improve English ability in curriculum It is hoped that this activity brings enjoyment for students in learning process.
This is because it determines the successful of teaching and learning process. The teacher has to do following preparations such as material, media, and lesson plan. These are should suitable in the syllabus and depends on curriculum that used, descriptive text pdf.
There are several stages to present teaching writing a descriptive text by using toothpick game. They are included in pre-teaching activity, whilst-teaching activity, and post-teaching activity. The first stage is pre-teaching activity. There are five phase in this stage. They are observing, questioning, experimenting, associating and networking. Observing is a stage where the teacher begins to introduce the descriptive text to the students.
The topic is about describing person. For the beginning, descriptive text pdf, the teacher does brainstorming activities by showing to the students several cartoon pictures related to the topic. The teacher asks some questions related to the pictures to the students in order to lead descriptive text pdf to the lesson. Furthermore, the teacher gives an example of descriptive text about person equipped with generic structure.
Descriptive text pdf teacher asks students to read the text first. September the text tells about. The teacher explains about the concept of descriptive text. It starts from the definition of the text, social function, generic structure of the text, and descriptive text pdf the language features of the text.
In addition, the teacher will guide their student in questioning about the text they have observed before coming to the next stages. In questioning, the teacher gives chance to the students to ask about the text that has given before.
The students ask questions that related to the text that they still do not understand. It can be about the generic structure or the language features of the text. For example, if the students are still do not understand about descriptive text pdf present tense, the teacher will explain simple present tense.
Furthermore, the teacher discusses the questions together with the students. Associating is the activity when the teacher leads the students to write and arrange a paragraph together. The teacher teaches the students about how to write a descriptive text based on the picture. The first thing, the teacher gives examples of vocabularies that used in describing a person.
Then, the teacher teaches about how to make a list informations that describing the person in the picture with the first sentence has done by the teacher as the example. Then teacher asks students to make it on the white board. The teacher teaches the simple present tense while correcting the grammar mistakes that might be made by the students.
After that, the teacher teaches how to determine the sentence which is including in identification or description as the generic structure. The teacher gives the example first. Furthermore, the teacher introduces about toothpick game to the students. Picture 2 students will write about the clothes. Picture 3 students will write about the activity that the man is doing. Picture 4 students will write about the pack. So, this procedure will be same for the next.
Experimenting is descriptive text pdf activity of the students to produce a written text by themselve, descriptive text pdf. It also aims to give reflection to the students whether the teaching learning process is success or fail, descriptive text pdf. In this stage, teacher explains how to use toothpick game in writing a descriptive text to the students. In this game, the students will be worked in group. The teacher divides the students into several groups consist of four.
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descriptive analysis is often viewed simply as a re quired section in a paper—motivating a test of effec-tiveness or comparing the research sample to a population of interest. This view of descriptive re-search is shortsighted: g Nov 10, · the text, difficulty in writing the descriptive text with a c hronological schematic structures, and the difficulty in filling the text with appropriate language features such as the use of SBI PO Previous Year Question Paper: SBI Clerk Previous Year Question Paper: SBI SO Previous Year Question Paper: IBPS PO Previous Year Question Paper
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