Our diary examples writing samples include three entries over varying lengths. The resources are designed to en courage students to observe the different techniques used in the creation of a diary. You can use these diary examples with your Years 3 to 6 primary students, during literacy and writing composition lessons.5/5(19) Mar 05, · Write a diary entry in about words about your dilemma. Question 4. Write a diary entry that begins, “I wish I could forget the time I because ” in about words. Question 5. You saw a 3D film. Write a diary entry in about words about Write a diary entry in words expressing your feeling of getting an award for ‘The Best Student in School.’ You visited the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort along with your friends and teacher. Write a diary entry in words describing the visit. Diary entry topics pdf Diary entry topics for class 8
Diary Entry | Diary writing, Format, Example, Questions – performdigi
Diary writing is the writing down of events, transactions and observations in a highly personalized manner. It is diary entry examples around creative thoughts and is basically the outpouring of what one feels or has experienced with regard to a particular stimulus.
A diary can be written on a daily basis or at intervals, depending on the inclination of the writer. Basic English Grammar rules can be tricky. We also providing Extra Questions for Class 9 English Chapter wise. Question 1.
Today when you were on your way to school, a man walking just in front of you dropped his wallet. He did not realize he had dropped it. What did you do? Write a diary entry about the incident. Question 2, diary entry examples. You are going on a school picnic with your classmates and teachers.
You are very excited. The night before the trip you sit down to write your diary. Describe what you have planned for the picnic and how you hope to enjoy yourself there. You are Ramesh, diary entry examples. Write your dairy in words.
I am very excited tonight. I am going on a picnic tomorrow with my classmates. Some of our teachers will also accompany us. We have been planning for this trip ever since our Principal gave us permission a month ago. We are going to Lodhi Park. It has a large ground where children can run and play freely, diary entry examples.
My mother has made a dozen sandwiches and a cake for me. My friends will also be bringing some food, and we shall all share, eat and play. I am so much looking forward to it. I feel I just cannot go to sleep tonight. But my mother warned me that if I do not go to sleep now, I might fall asleep at the picnic.
So, good night! Ramesh Question 3. It was your first time traveling in a local train in Mumbai. Record the events you experienced in your diary in about words. Diary entry examples 4.
You are Ashish living in Delhi. You had to attend a wedding ceremony in Mumbai. Your father took you there diary entry examples airplane. You are very excited as it was your first journey by plane.
Write a diary entry in words sharing your experience. I wish to share with you the excitement of my first flight to Mumbai. As it was my diary entry examples experience, I was a bit nervous.
On Monday, we boarded the huge aircraft where an air hostess greeted us with a smile. I occupied the window seat to enjoy my flight. As our plane took off I felt relaxed. When I looked down everything appeared to be very small. It was so picturesque that if I were a poet I would have composed a poem. I was enjoying every moment of my journey.
After about two hours, we landed at the Mumbai airport. Mumbai airport really looked amazing. I along with family also bought a few chocolates from the shop, diary entry examples. It was a great adventure in my life.
Ashish Diary Entry Format For Class 9 Diagnostic test 3 You had the most difficult test today but you knew everything on the paper. You answered all the questions and you are really happy with how things turned out. Write a diary entry about it. Start with the anxiety you felt before you saw the question paper. Answer: a was really worried about the test today b last night because I kept thinking about it c definitely fail d believe my eyes when I saw the question paper e how to answer all the questions f for the diary entry examples to be announced.
Score yourself for each diagnostic test: 5 — good 4 — satisfactory 3 or less — you need to develop writing skills through adequate practice. Have you ever disobeyed specific instructions given by your parents? If so, diary entry examples, what did you do? What was the consequence of your disobedience? Write a diary entry about the time you disobeyed your parents leading to serious consequences.
Diary entry examples Summative Assessment examinations are round the corner. The syllabus is vast and whenever you sit down to study you are unable to concentrate as you are very nervous.
You feel you may let down your parents and your teachers who have a lot of expectations from you. Write a diary entry about your feelings in about words.
Question 3. Your friend wants your opinion on a new friend whom you do not approve of. Write a diary entry in about words about your dilemma.
Question 5. You saw a 3D film. Write a diary entry in diary entry examples words about the experience. Question 6. One of your classmates has decided to skip school without informing the teachers. Write a diary entry about what you did and what happened? Give an account of the events in the form of a diary entry in not more than words. Menu Maharashtra Board Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Maharashtra Board Class 8 Maths Maharashtra Board Class 7 Maths Maharashtra Board Class 6 Maths Diary entry examples Board Tamilnadu Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Tamilnadu Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Tamilnadu Board Class 9 Science Solutions Tamilnadu Board Class 9 Social Science Solutions Tamilnadu Board Class 9 English Solutions ML Aggarwal Solutions ML Aggarwal Class 10 Solutions ML Aggarwal Diary entry examples 9 Solutions ML Aggarwal Class 8 Solutions ML Aggarwal Class 7 Solutions ML Aggarwal Class 6 Solutions Selina Publishers Maths Maths Formulas Geometry Formulas MCQ Questions Hindi Essay ICSE Solutions.
Diary Entry Class 9 CBSE Format, Topics, Examples, Samples PDF Some of the essential characteristics of a diary are: It should be written in chronological order. The day, date, place, and time of entry in the diary should be included. A suitable descriptive heading or some hints about the topic written about may be included, diary entry examples.
It should be personalised and written in the first person and maybe in the past diary entry examples. The writing should be informative as it is a spontaneous piece of writing. Diary Entry Exercise Solved Examples for Class 9 CBSE Question 1. The wallet was stuffed with cash. Tried to call out but he drove off. Got the contact number from the wallet and called up. Was Trappy to get his wallet back. Friday, 14 October 20XX Dear Diary, diary entry examples, 9 p. A School Picnic I am very excited tonight.
date 7 p. I had a very bad experience in one of the local trains in Mumbai. This is my third time in the city. The roads are small and the traffic in the train station itself is overwhelming.
After catching the train I realised that it was very crowded and at one point in time, I was almost pushed off the train. It was quite dangerous, diary entry examples. your name Question 4. Thursday, October 2, 20XX Dear Diary p. day, date I was a …………………………………. I thought I would in this subject. I could believe d …………………………………. I actually knew e …………………………………., diary entry examples.
Diary Entry-2/My Personal Diary Entry /A day in my village/Best handwriting/calligraphy/letter
, time: 3:59Diary Entry Format: CBSE Dairy Writing Format, Samples, Topics With Solutions
Mar 05, · Write a diary entry in about words about your dilemma. Question 4. Write a diary entry that begins, “I wish I could forget the time I because ” in about words. Question 5. You saw a 3D film. Write a diary entry in about words about Diary entry is one of the most important questions of class 10 writing section as well as literature portion. So if you are searching for how to write a diary entry, you are at a right place. Here are several diaries for your help. Keeping the importance of diary for students we are providing diary entry format and diary entry topics along with some diary entry examples for students which 5 rows · Feb 15, · Diary Entry Topics, Samples/Examples With Answers. Personal Diary Writing Samples will help
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