11 Examples of Descriptive Text, Example 2. My Aunt Amelia. Of all my relatives, I like my aunt Amelia the best. She’s my mother’s youngest sister. She hasn’t been married and she lives alone in a small village near Bath. She is in her late forties but she’s still quite young in The source of the descriptive essay on a person can be everything. As for other descriptions, it could be a life experience, when a portrait is recreated from memory (e.g., "The appearance of a person I saw once "), or from imagination ("My portrait in 10 years"). The source of descriptions can be a special observation, including the painting. Another type of descriptive essay on a person is a verbal Jul 06, · Benjamin Oaks. 9. The purpose of this essay is quite clear: you have to express your feelings about a particular subject or object and describe its significant features. In most cases, students are forced to describe events, places, objects, and people. The last type is probably the most difficult because the description of a person won’t include the appearance only, but would also
Descriptive Essay On A Person. My Perfect Essay | blogger.com
The main aim of Unit 33 is to present the issue of descriptive texts in terms of structure and main features. Our aim is to offer a broad account of what descriptive texts are and why they are used for in both linguistic and pragmatic terms, that is, how language and textual features are used to achieve the purpose of describing people, objects, places and events. So, we shall divide our study in five main chapters, descriptive text of person.
So, in order to establish the relationship between both concepts, we shall review 1 the notion of text linguistics since the analysis of descriptive texts is discussed within the framework of Discourse Analysis.
Accordingly, we shall provide 2 a definition of text and hence we shall examine a its main textual features common to all text types such as texture and ties and b the seven standards of textuality in order to get to the notion of intertextuality. Chapte r 3 will offer then an insightful analysis of descriptive texts in terms of 1 definition; 2 main types of description; 3 structure and 4 main textual devices within descriptive text types: a morphosyntactic features, b cohesion, and c coherence.
Chapte r 4 will be devoted to present the main educational implications in language descriptive text of person regarding descriptive texts and Chapter 5 will offer a conclusion to broadly overview our present study. Finally, Descriptive text of person 6 will include all the bibliographical descriptive text of person used in this study. An influential introduction to the analysis of texts is based on relevant works of Halliday and Hasan, Cohesion in English ; van Dijk, Text and Context ; and Beaugrande and Dressler, Introduction to Text Linguistics The background for educational implications regarding descriptive texts is based on the theory of communicative competence and communicative approaches to language teaching are provided by Canale, From Communicative Competence to Descriptive text of person Language Pedagogy ; Hymes, On communicative competence In addition, the most complete record of current publications within the educational framework is provided by Jenni Conn, Choosing and Using Literaturethe guidelines in B.
A Common European Framework of reference In fact, many fields have approached the study of texts, and in particular, that of descriptive text : linguistics from grammar, morphology and phonologyanthropology different speech acts in different culturespsychology speaker and hearer behaviour and stylistics correctness, clarity, elegance, appropriateness, style. Yet, the oldest form of preoccupation with texts and the first foundation for the analysis of texts and its articulation is drawn from the notion of text linguistics which has its historical roots in rethoricdating from Ancient Greece and Rome through the Middle Ages up to the present under the name of text linguistics or discourse.
Traditional rethoricians were influenced by their major task of training public orators on the discovery of ideas inventionthe arrangement of ideas dispositionthe discovery of appropriate expressions for ideas elocutionand memorization prior to delivery on the actual occasion of speaking. In the Middle Ages, rethoric was based on grammar on the study of formal language patterns in Greek and Latin and logic on the construction of arguments and proofs.
Rethoric still shares several concerns with the kind of text linguistics we know today, for instance, the use of texts as vehicles of purposeful interaction oral and writtenthe variety of texts which express a given configuration of ideas, the arranging of ideas and its disposition within the discourse and the judgement of texts which still depends on the effects upon the audience. In addition, a text is best regarded as a semantic unit and not a unit of form.
First of all, the concept of texture is defined as the textual resource that functions as a unity with respect to its environment and secondly, ties are defined as the resources that English has for creating texture so as to contribute to its total unity by means of cohesive relations reference, substitution, ellipsis, descriptive text of person, conjunction, and lexical cohesion, descriptive text of person. Perhaps the notion of textuality is the most relevant in our study since we reach the notion of descriptive text through one of its descriptive text of person standards: intertextuality.
Actually, descriptive text of person, written texts conform to rules that most successful writers unconsciously follow and native readers unconsciously expect to find. It is relevant, then, to address the term textuality in written and oral texts as it is involved in rules governing written discourse hence its relationship to descriptive texts.
If any of these standards are not satisfied, the text is considered not to have fulfilled its function and not to be communicative. We shall briefly review the first six standards of textuality so as to analyse the seventh one in next section:. It also deals with cohesive ties as mentioned above anaphora, cataphora, descriptive text of person, ellipsis, etc and signalling relations tense and aspect, modality, uptdating, junction, conjunction, disjunction and subordination.
In other words, it gives sense to a text. Here we meet the purpose of descriptive texts, that is, to represent people, animals, objects, atmospheres, landscapes, actions or feelings by means of words. Here a set of occurrences should constitute a cohesive and coherent text having some use or relevance for the receiver in an appropriate context of communication. unexpected or known vs. unknown or uncertain by means of content words verbs, nouns, descriptive text of person, adjectives, adverbs.
Hence we expect different types of texts poetic, scientific, literary, descriptive text of person, etc. in dramatic texts, as a subclass of literary texts. There exist the prerogative of presenting alternative organizations for objects and events in live presentations prologue, unusual frequency of events, actions with no reason, etc.
Hence, objective and subjective descriptions. Intertextualit y descriptive text of person the factors which make the use of one text dependent upon knowledge of one or more previously encountered texts, that is, the ways in which the production and reception of a given text depends upon the participants knowledge of other texts, descriptive text of person.
The usual mediation is achieved by means of the development and use of text typesbeing classes of texts expected to have certain traits for certain purposes: oral conversation, narrative, directive, predictive, expository, argumentative, literary and poetic rethoricscientific, didactic and, for our purposes, descriptive text of person, descriptive.
For 2, years there have been two traditions of classifying texts. The first one, deriving. More specific, it refers to modes of discourse realized through text types, thus narration, description, directive, exposition and argumentation, descriptive text of person. Within the second tradition, rethoric refers to communicative function as rethorical strategies in functional lines: descriptive : to enrich knowledge spaces; narrative: to arrange actions and events; argumentative: to promote the acceptance of certain beliefs; and so on.
In this section we shall approach the concept of text typology from two main perspectives: 1 the main criteria for text typology by means of which descriptive text of person review basic principles for all types of texts regarding literary devices, order and sequence elements and common text structures; and 2 descriptive text of person text type classification and description.
There are three main criteria when establishing a typology for texts: literary devices, order and sequence elements and common text structures for all types of texts, descriptive text of person.
For such reasons, literary texts may be polysemous, having a range of interpretive possibilities. Moreover, basic to the concept of form is the notion of order and sequence, which may vary depending on the type of text.
For instance, logical, chronological, or psypchological in narrative texts; from general to specific, upward and downward direction, personality vs. physical appearance in descriptive texts; introduction, development and conclusion in argumentative texts; and so on.
By studying the textual and lexical elements of text types, one can learn to regularly recognize the overall structure of a text. Follo wing a general division of any kind of text descriptive text of person may sometimes begin with a brief heading or descriptive title, with or without a byline, an epigraph or brief quotation, or a salutation, such as we may find at the start of a letter.
They may also conclude with a brief trailerbyline, or signature. Elements which may appear in this way, either at the start or at the end of a text division proper, are regarded as forming a class, known as divtop or divbot respectively. The following special purpose elements are provided to mark features which may appear only at the start of a division: the head, an epigraph an argument and a salutation.
The conclusion will be characterized by a brief trailer of the subject matter as a summary of facts. A byline or a signature may also conclude any piece of writing.
According to Trimble we may classify texts in two ways. Firstly, according to purposeand secondly, according to type or mode. According to purpose, in terms of communicative functions, the discourse is intended to inform, express an attitude, persuade and create a debate.
According to type or mode, the classification distinguishes among descriptivenarrative, expository, argumentative, and instrumental modes. Hence, in this study we are dealing with descriptive texts which, on the one hand, are intended to offer a description of something or somebody in terms of communicative functions and, on the other hand, according to the category or text types it is included within the type of description, that is, the fact of describing people, descriptive text of person, animals, objects, events, facts and situations.
Now let us examine descriptive texts more in depth regarding structure and main features. The ana lysis of description will be carried out in terms of 1 definition; 2 main types of description; 3 structure and 4 main textual devices within descriptive text types: a morphosyntactic features, descriptive text of person, b cohesion, and c coherence. Yet, the key difference is for descriptive texts to focus on image and for narrative texts to focus on actions.
Descriptions can enrich the text by offering a wide range of details parts, qualities, properties or just select a minimum of them face description, not whole body. A descriptive text is usually defined as a type of discourse concerned with the representation of people, animals, objects, atmospheres, landscapes, actions and feelings by means of words verbal or written representatio n.
When giving account of people, animals, objects and even facts, descriptive texts constitute part of our daily life by means of giving information about your family, yourself, describing buildings, a new friend, a house on sale, and so on.
The genres that fit the descriptive text structure are similar to those of narrative since the former are considered to be subordinated to the textual structures of the latter narration and other text types exposition or instructions : folktales wonder tales, fables, legends, myths, tall tales, and realistic tales ; contemporary fiction; mysteries, science fiction, realistic fiction, fantasy, and historical fiction.
In addition, although the descriptive type rarely appears by itself in texts, poetry is the only literary type which can include whole descriptive texts, descriptive text of person. It must be borne in mind that in current society, description is always present at all levels, that is, in the domains of literature fiction and in everyday life non- fiction. Let us start with the objective-type description which is to be found in instructive, technical and scientific texts since its main aim is to inform or instruct about the thing to be described.
So, it provides generalized information on facts, qualities and characteristics about the object under consideration so as to get a systematic, accurate and almost photographic description.
This type of texts are just straight facts and do not give the reader any ideas about the feelings or opinions of the author.
This type of description is less common than the subjective-type since we our perception of the world cannot be always impartial. Therefore, this kind of description is more related to expository texts because it is conceived as an account of something where no personal reaction or assessment is refused, that is, it is not affected by internal or external factors. descriptio n reports, essays, chronicles descriptive text of person, we may also find non-technical texts that provide mere information about an object by following a logic order, being enumerative and containing many technical vocabulary items official letters, school essays, a guidebook, a history chapter, advertisement.
House on sale: 4 bedrooms, semi- detached, built infenced gardens, descriptive text of person, gas fire, parking for 3 cars. The notion of vividness is full of life, strength and freshness and lets the reader feel all the sensual impressions and vital energy conveyed by the words of the writer. In fact, descriptive text of person, the main aim of subjective descriptions is to provoke emotions about the object to be described rather tha n reflecting the item as it is for details to achieve affective values.
Note the use of adjectives to emphasize the vividness in the second text. Apart from objective and subjective descriptive texts, we may mention some other types of description which are based on visual devices, that is, which are descriptive text of person according to the theme they visually represent.
Hence we may find descriptions about people characterswhich shall lead us to a subclassification into i static descriptions regarding inanimate items objects, landscapes, atmospheres and ii dynamic descriptions regarding actions feelings, situations. The structure of descriptive texts follows some principles of order regarding the way details are grouped so as to present a descriptive sequence. This sequence is divided into four main steps: item observation and therefore, selection of the most relevant aspects, order o f events, and expressive devices.
Firstly, observation may be described in different ways depending on the communicative purpose and main features of the observer: a fixed observer, who views the whole scene or object from a fixed position and reads off the items in a systematic way i.
from left to right, from foreground to background, from general to specific ; b moving observer, who merely reports details as he comes to them so they do not follow an order; and c the impressionistic observer, who give a generalized impression as if he were a movie camera, swinging from side to side i. The s election of the most relevant aspects is the next step in this descriptive sequence since, again, the same reality may be described in different ways depending on the communicative purpose and main features of the receiver.
In fact, each type of text determines a specific type of selection, for instance, technical and scientific texts are usually quite objective whereas non-technical texts are usually subjective i. job offers in press looking for a virtual candidate.
inwards direction, from general to specific, and so on. Moreover, descriptive text of person, descriptions may be limited by a framework descriptive text of person. We refer to textual devices, descriptive text of person, to be examined in next section.
The main textual features in descriptive texts are given by textual and lexical items, that is, literary devices which are words used to enrich the understanding of the story i.
quantity and quality adjectives, dynamic and static verbs, descriptive text of person and concrete nouns, time and place adverbs, syntactic structures.
Yet, these literary devices are quite similar to those of narrative texts since the author may use a wide range of word choice for different purposes, thus a to write objective and subjective descriptions and b to make writing vivid or precise by using brief descriptive paragraphs.
So, let us analyse the basic language structures in descriptive texts regarding the disciplines of syntax, pragmatics and namely semantics, together with a grammatical approach.
Hence we shall analyse cohesion, coherence and other literary devices. From a lexical and syntactic perspective, that is, a morphosyntactic approach, descriptive texts are namely characterized by the use of 1 adjectives, which bear the burden in description. They can be condensed specific: the walking man or expanded general: a fantas tic world.
Adjectives usually perform in attributive position after their noun heads i. The breeding of an English gentleman. Adjectives usually denote details on shape, colour, size, number among other features.
Good Example of Descriptive Text
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Descriptive text (describing people) 1. DESCRIPTIVE TEXT “Describing People” 2. LOOK AT THE PICTURES BELOW! WHAT CAN YOU TELL ABOUT THESE PEOPLE? WHAT DO THEY LOOK LIKE? 3. DESCRIPTIVE TEXT What is descriptive text? Descriptive text is a text which describe a person, place, animals or 4. May 05, · Descriptive Essay about a Person A descriptive essay reveals the meaning of a subject through detailed, sensory observation. Sensory details are details of smell, taste, texture, sound, and sight. Sample of a Descriptive Essay About a Person I Admire – My Grandmother Jul 06, · Benjamin Oaks. 9. The purpose of this essay is quite clear: you have to express your feelings about a particular subject or object and describe its significant features. In most cases, students are forced to describe events, places, objects, and people. The last type is probably the most difficult because the description of a person won’t include the appearance only, but would also
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