Nov 15, · ESSAY: My hometown is Dong Thap where is developing day by day. Enjoying a temperate climate, wide irrigation system, permanent fresh-water source supplied by Tien River and Hau River, and rich river deposit, the agriculture of Dong Thap keeps growing well. Some farm produce zones across Tien River and Hau River have been built up as Descriptive Essay About My Hometown. Words | 4 Pages. My hometown is in Qionghai City, Hainan province. Qionghai city is located in the eastern part of Hainan Province and it is located in the lower reaches of the Wanquan river. It is 78 kilometers north of Haikou City. Descriptive Essay About My Hometown. Words3 Pages. My hometown is Huhehaote in Inner Mongolia, a beautiful and rich place. Although it has a strong national flavor because of its special location, but It is the perfect combination of modernization and nationalization. Huhehaote is Mongolian which means the city of cyan
Essay on My hometown - Words
Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Hussien My Hometown Changing is inevitable part in our life. We daily see the evidences of changing anywhere. In fact, the changing is nature phenomenon, descriptive essay about hometown. Also, sometimes the differences which have been resulted of changing can be wide and distinct, other times it can be unnoticeable. There is an ancient quote which descriptive essay about hometown "if people have finished changing, they will finish," this say implies the idea that the variability is a continuous process.
My hometown varies a lot for the last ten years compared to when I was a child. The obvious changing has been occurred in people income rate, public services, and education. First, the annual income for each people has increased in the last several years descriptive essay about hometown time than the past. Many available jobs opportunities are provided, descriptive essay about hometown.
Because there are many oil companies branches has been opened in my hometowna lot of people involve in these companies and get sufficient salaries, while then, there were limited numbers of small stores which required few workers.
Also, because people in the past used to work in farms and agricultural production, most of them spent a lot labor with merely money. Moreover, now days, the agricultural yield has significantly increased since the technology was adapted in production. Conversely, the production was so It was hard for me to move another city because I was leaving behind the town where I was born and all my friends.
This was one of the biggest impacts that I have experience in my life. Moving from one town to another was like moving to another world where I did not know anyone. But the hardest part of moving for me was moving to another school where I did not know anyone and I did not know what to expect. Moving from a place I grew up and lived my whole life was really difficult to adapt to the new place. The sun shined on my face and I opened my eyes. It was my first time waking up in the new town and everything felt so awkward.
I moved from my home town Descriptive essay about hometown CA to another little town not that far but very different called Hollister CA.
I felt like going out and do the everyday stuff I used to do go to like go to a little bakery that was next to the house where I used to live. When I went outside everything was different it felt like if I was in a different world, descriptive essay about hometown.
Some of the difficult things were adapting for example, descriptive essay about hometown, when we wanted to go to a store we had to search where they were located and carefully find them so we could find our way back home. The first day was the hardest day of a My Favorite Place To escape the reality of life and relax, I go back to my home town Lake View, South Carolina on the weekends. Lake View is a rural town near descriptive essay about hometown North and South Carolina state line.
I do not some elaborate vacation spot to unwind and relax; I am perfectly fine with going back to the boondocks. People that pass through always wonder why anybody would want to be in such a small town; but I love everything about that one caution light town. I only get to go back on Friday, Saturday and Sunday now, but it is definitely worth the two hour drive back every weekend.
If that is what they think, then they would be wrong. There may not be a lot of tourist attractions or expensive places to go, but there is always something going on in the tiny town, descriptive essay about hometown. Weekends are when there are the most things to do. Every time I walk into the gates I get an adrenaline rush from hearing the mighty sound of the marching band, smelling the freshly cut grass, and watching the proud fans go wild.
There is nothing like screaming my heart out, cheering for the Wild Gators, and watching them walk off the field with a well-deserved win. After the game I go to the Dairy Maid to get a cone of My living room is quite large and it has a balcony with a lot of colorful artificial flowers decorated by my mother.
When coming to the living room, I feel very comfortable with a sweet smelling spreads out from the big flower base which is put in the middle of the sofa table. Affected by my mother hobby, I bought two small artificial flower bases to decorate for my room in Canada.
Actually, before going to school I see them and feel very active to start with a new day. The living room is designed by my mother with a very big and warm sofa and a sofa table. Descriptive essay about hometown are six tea cups and descriptive essay about hometown tea pot above the sofa table also. The whole tea pot is very beautiful and always used to welcome the guests who visit our home.
My father has a collection of wines and he puts all kinds of wines to the sideboard. Furthermore, in the evening the lights will be turned on to make the sideboard shine sparklingly, descriptive essay about hometown.
They are very valuable to my father so my brother, sister and I hardly stand near that sideboard. Because we are afraid of broking them and sure recently went through an eye-opening descriptive essay about hometown in my life, descriptive essay about hometown, when I decided to move away from my hometown.
I am so thankful for the metamorphosis it created in me, and it is my biggest and most significant life change thus far, descriptive essay about hometown. It taught me about who I am, who I want to be, and what matters most to me in this world. About three years ago, descriptive essay about hometown, I was miserable with my life, and heartbroken. I had gotten out of a horrible relationship, and I had also moved back in with my mother at the age of 25, because of a bad roommate situation.
My mother and I do not live together very well. Even though I was 25, descriptive essay about hometown treated me as if I was a teenager living under her roof again. I had recently left a salon where I had worked for four years, so I had to build a clientele almost from scratch salons make it very difficult for you to inform your clients if you are leaving.
Since my income was very sporadic, my planned descriptive essay about hometown months of living with Mom turned into 10 months.
Without going into detail, I will just say that I hit a very low point in my life during that time. I became depressed, lost my motivation, and ended up having a horrible case of insomnia.
I knew I needed to make a change, as It has been 13 years since I left my hometown where I was born. Searching my memories, I miss the pure white snow, the freezing air and the people who lived with me during my childhood.
My hometown is located in Jidong county near the most northeast border between China and Russia. Because of the geographical location, it is very cold in my town with heavy snow when winter comes. I could not keep balance well when I walked on the snow, because the snow was so thick.
I still remember the cool feeling when I breathed freezing air, it made me be clear-headed. There is a river called MuLing nearby the village which my grandparents lived in. The river was frozen in My Hometown Everyone always has their own home town. And sometime it also provides bad times that make they miss it all the times and they want to return.
And for my home town is kandal province. Kandal province is an attractive place among other twenty-four provinces in our Cambodia. Firstly, all people in kandal province are friendly and they have own business. Most people around my area are sellers and workers of factory. They love each other and helpful when someone had problems. Although they have difference lifestyle but they still struggle do their job by legal and make their family in happiness.
They welcome all new comers who left their house to here by honestly. In sort, kandal province full of good people. Secondly, many foods are cooked in this province. Those foods are popular and delicious for everybody here. The food is in my hometown also similar as the other food at other provinces. They have the same name but difference ways of cooking and flavor. But what I know, kandal province has many vegetables and fruit that crop by people here, and they planted by natural to do.
My security lies with the familiar sent of farm animals, descriptive essay about hometown, small family owned shops, descriptive essay about hometown, rocky back-roads flattened by cars playing country songs, and houses smeared across acres of fields. Our roots lie in our hometowns. Mine lie in a peaceful little town nestled in a valley, where small-town values are held and our tight knit community pulls together in times of joy and in times of need.
This is where I am given an ease and a sense of belonging in which no other town can boast. I take my lanyard out from my worn backpack and jump into the car as I turn the keys into the ignition.
The crisp sounding engine of my silver car brings a relief to my tensed body. My hometown is quaint and small, only taking at most ten minutes to travel across town. All I want is to relax and take a break from my disseminated mind so I decided to go to a family owned restaurant to grab coffee and a bagel. But first, I decide to take a few back roads with my windows rolled down, and my hair sailing in the wind as I take a moment to gather my thoughts.
As soon as I arrived I Sign Up. Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays My hometown. My hometown Topics: Descriptive essay about hometownFieldIrrigation Pages: 2 words Published: November 15,
Chapter 2: My Hometown. Talk about your Hometown in English
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My Hometown. Words4 Pages. Duyen Dang 10/10/17 ESL In class essay #1 Everybody has their hometown where they born and growing up, and I has too. My hometown is Tien Giang; it is a small town in the Southwest of Vietnam, it took about two hours away to go to the large city. I will tell about a special place where I lived and describe what it looks like and explain why I like the location so much Dec 03, · Descriptive Essay Example: My Hometown Is Still in My Heart. The most inimitable place to be, besides in my husband’s arms, is Harrogate, Tennessee. The rolling hills, clean crisp air, and spaciousness all surpass the city life. The memories and joy I experience when I am there will always have a special place in my heart Descriptive Essay About My Hometown. Words | 4 Pages. My hometown is in Qionghai City, Hainan province. Qionghai city is located in the eastern part of Hainan Province and it is located in the lower reaches of the Wanquan river. It is 78 kilometers north of Haikou City.
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