Words Essay on Hiking. Article Shared By. ADVERTISEMENTS: Hiking is a great sources of pleasure for us besides being beneficial for health. Once we leave the crowded streets of a city and go out for a walking tour away from the mad world, we really feel free Descriptive Essay About Hiking Words | 5 Pages. The swirling wind deposited my hair into a disarray on top of my head. My legs and feet were sore from the constant hiking and my back ached from the cumbersome backpack. The discomfort was pushed into the back of mind because in just a few more steps, I would summit another mountain Hiking Descriptive Essay. Quick Tips for Writing Your Descriptive Essay Writing a descriptive essay can be a rich and rewarding experience, but it can also feel a bit complicated. It's helpful, therefore, to keep a quick checklist of the essential questions to keep
Comp 11 - Descriptive Writing: Hiking
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I highly recommend them. The papers are delivered on time and customers are descriptive essay about hiking first priority. This is their website: WritePaper. Tuesday, October 5, descriptive essay about hiking, Hiking. The woods seclude me from the rest of the world. The sounds of nature give me a welcoming feeling. There are no roads, buildings, or any type of infrastructure. There is only a dirt path, leading me through the wild and finally to my destination, the top of the mountain.
The hike starts out from a parking lot next to a highly traveled road. Humans are present, but before going too far, evidence of people does not exist, and cars can no longer be heard. This is when I start to experience the presence of nature. At first nature has to adjust to my presence. The squirrels scatter away as I walk towards them, and scurry up atop the trees. The birds silence their chirping simultaneously.
Now I am accepted by Nature and can continue on my journey. On my continuation of the hike, Nature presents me with a number of pleasures. The birds form a band together, chirping with different pitches and tones. A calm flow of the streams gives a relaxing tone to my ears. They apply the music as I trek, descriptive essay about hiking.
The plethora of plants and trees provide me with a variety of different scents. The scents seem to mix together, giving a fresh air that makes it feel as if breathing is easier. It is when I get to the larger boulders that you know you are getting closer and closer to the top. Climbing up the rocks gives a bit of an exercise, but not an excruciating one. At the top of the mountain the reward is spectacular. I can see for miles and miles, descriptive essay about hiking.
You can see thousands of lakes and rivers blending in with the red, yellow, and orange colors of the fall. The view makes me feel as if I could stay there on the top forever, but I know I must continue down to the base of the mountain before nightfall.
And as I descend I carry with me a feeling of satisfaction like no other. Posted by Frankie Lover at AM Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. matterlandsen January 24, at Descriptive essay about hiking. Jaliyah Rogers March 13, at AM. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom.
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, time: 8:47Hiking Trip Free Essay Example

Descriptive Essay: Hiking Up At The Canyon Edge Words | 6 Pages. Hiking up to the canyon edge, I look down into the vast, burnt-orange depth. The sun burns hot on my back and sweat runs down my face into my eyes. Brushing the sweat away, I take a drink of water from the crinkly plastic bottle before looking back down into the wondrous canyon Jun 02, · Essay Sample: A personal story of a hiking blogger.com morning Darian, Danny, Laura, and I were bored so we decided that we would all go on a hike at Blue Ridge Mountain. +1 () Free essays Oct 05, · Hiking The woods seclude me from the rest of the world. I’m on my own with nobody else in sight, just nature, and only nature. I’m not alone though
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