On the corner of the room is my desk where I usually study and do my homework. Besides that desk is a big wardrobe where I put all of my clothes. My father made the wardrobe for me as my birthday gift. On the left side of the desk, there is a bookshelf where I put all of my favorite books Indonesia has many ancient things especially the remains of the pre-historic period, for example: tombs, temples, and fortesses. The Borobudur temple is one of the historical remains in Sriwijaya era. Its king was Samaratungga. It was built about in B.C. King Samaratungga was descendant from King Sailendra embraced Buddha Descriptive Text About Place: Venice. Example of Descriptive Text – Venice. One of the famous city in Italy is Venice. It get its popularity because Venice is a rich and interesting city. It has a lot of history documentations and offers a lot of attractive things to visitors
Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Tempat: Venice Italy
Descriptive text selalu kita temukan dalam proses pembelajaran baik di SMP ataupun di SMA. Untuk itu kita harus mencari banyak — banyak referensi untuk text jenis ini. Pada artikel kali ini admin akan membagikan 15 Contoh Descriptive text dan Artinya. Mudah — mudahan bisa membantu. The Eiffel Tower is situated on the Champ de Mars in Paris. Inherentit has get to be both a worldwide symbol of France and a standout amongst the most conspicuous building on the planet.
The tower is the most astounding building in Paris and the most-went by landmark on the planet; a huge number of individuals visit it consistently. The specialist Gustave Eiffel thought of his name for this tower. The tower is meters 1, ft tall, and as tallness as a story building. Upon its finish, it is higher than the Washington Monument to expect the title of tallest man-made structure on the planet, a title it held for a long time, until the Chrysler Building in New York City was inherent ; be that as it may, because of the expansion in of the recieving wire, the tower is presently higher than the Chrysler Building and it is the second-tallest structure in France after the Millau Viaduct.
Menara Eiffel terletak di Champ de Mars di Paris. Dibangun pada tahuntelah menjadi baik ikon global Perancis maupun salah satu bangunan yang paling dikenal di dunia. Menara ini adalah bangunan tertinggi di Paris dan merupakan monumen yang paling sering dikunjungi di dunia; jutaan orang mengunjunginya setiap tahun. Insinyur Gustave Eiffel membuat namanya menjadi nama menara ini. Menara ini dibangun sebagai pintu masuk ke Pameran Dunia Menara ini tingginya meter 1.
Setelah selesai, menara ini lebih tinggi dari Monumen Washington yang dianggap sebagai struktur buatan manusia tertinggi di dunia, predikat itu diberikan selama 41 tahun, sampai Chrysler Building di New York City dibangun pada tahun ; namun, descriptive text example about place, karena penambahan pada tahun dari antena, menara ini sekarang lebih tinggi dari Gedung Chrysler dan itu adalah struktur tertinggi kedua di Perancis setelah Millau Viaduct.
The shoreline is most likely not mainstream in light of the fact that it is put in a disconnected locale in Lampunghowever the wave on the shoreline in Tanjung Setia are alluded as one of the most astounding waves on the planet by worldwide surfers.
You ought to realize that the wave on this shoreline is equivalent with the waves in Hawaii. On the off chance that you need to visit, you ought to go in around km or if nothing else 6 hours from the city of Bandar Lampung by transport.
This shoreline is straightforwardly nearby the Indian Ocean so this mind boggling spot has such a testing wave. By the by, notwithstanding this shoreline has waves with stature up to 7 meters, yet it is not as well known as some shorelines in Bali and Lombok. Pantai ini mungkin tidak populer karena pantai ini bertempat di sebuah Kabupaten terpencil di Lampung, descriptive text example about place, tapi gelombang di pantai Tanjung Setia disebut sebagai salah satu gelombang tertinggi di dunia oleh peselancar internasional.
Anda harus tahu bahwa gelombang di pantai ini sama dengan gelombang di Hawaii. Jika anda ingin mengunjunginya, descriptive text example about place, anda harus descriptive text example about place perjalanan sekitar km atau setidaknya 6 jam dari kota Bandar Lampung ditembuh dengan bus.
Pantai ini berbatasan langsung dengan Samudera Hindia sehingga tempat luar biasa ini memiliki gelombang sangat menantang.
Namun demikian, walaupun pantai ini memiliki ombak dengan ketinggian hingga 7 meter, pantai ini tidak setenar beberapa pantai di Bali dan Lombok. Borabudur — situated in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia — is a well known nineteenth — century Mahayana Buddhist Temple. The landmark comprises of six square, nine stacked stages, and 3 handouts, beat by a focal vault.
The sanctuary is descriptive text example about place with 2, alleviation boards and Buddha statues. The focal vault is hovered by 72 Buddha statues, each situated inside a punctured stupa.
Borabudur — terletak di Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia — adalah Candi Mahayana Buddhist abad kesembilan belas yang terkenal. Monumen ini terdiri dari persegi enam, sembilan platform ditumpuk, dan 3 edaran, diatapi oleh kubah pusat.
Candi ini diperindah dengan 2. Kubah pusat dilingkari oleh 72 patung Buddha, masing-masing duduk di dalam sebuah stupa berlubang.
Ini adalah candi Budha terbesar di dunia, descriptive text example about place. The National Monument Indonesian: Monumen Nasional, famously contracted as Monas is a m ft tower in the focal point of Merdeka Square, symbolizing the battle for Indonesia, descriptive text example about place.
It was manufactured to memorialize the battle for Indonesian autonomy. The descriptive text example about place comprises of a Towering landmark speaks to the theory of Lingga and Yoni. Takes after a phallus, or pestle and Yoni takes after mortar, two critical things in the convention of Indonesian farming. Monumen Nasional Indonesia: Monumen Nasional, yang populer disingkat Monas adalah menara setinggi m ft di tengah Lapangan Merdeka, melambangkan perjuangan untuk Indonesia.
Itu dibangun untuk mengenang perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Monumen ini terdiri dari ,7 m obelisk pada 45m platform persegi dan pada ketinggian 17 m. Monumen menjulang ini mewakili filosofi Lingga dan Yoni.
Menggambarkan lingga, atau alu dan Yoni menyerupai mortir, dua hal penting dalam tradisi pertanian Indonesia. The Colosseum or Coliseum, otherwise called the Flavian Amphitheater Latin: Amphitheatrum Flavium; and Italian: Anfiteatro Flavio or Colosseois a circular amphitheater in the focal point of the city of Rome.
Manufactured of concrete and stone, it is the greatest amphitheater ever and is considered as one of the best works of construction modeling and designing. The Colosseum is found only east of the Roman Forum.
Development of this building started under the Vespasian head in 72 AD, and was done in 80 AD under his relatives and beneficiary Titus. Further remodels were made amid the rule of Domitian 81— These three heads which are known as the Flavian administration, and the amphitheater was named in Latin in light of the fact that its connection with their family name Flavius.
The Colosseum atau Coliseum, yang juga dikenal sebagai Amphitheatre Flavianus Latin: Amphitheatrum Flavium, dan Italia: Anfiteatro Flavio atau Colosseoadalah sebuah amfiteater elips di pusat kota Roma. Dibangun dari beton dan batu, bangunan ini adalah amfiteater terbesar yang pernah ada dan dianggap sebagai salah satu karya terbesar dari arsitektur dan tekhnik.
The Colosseum terletak di timur dari Forum Romawi. Pembangunan gedung ini dimulai di bawah kekaisaran Vespasianus di 72 AD, dan selesai pada 80 Masehi di bawah keturunannya dan ahli waris Titus. Renovasi lebih descriptive text example about place dilakukan pada masa pemerintahan Domitianus Tiga kaisar yang terkenal sebagai Saristi Flavianus, dan amfiteater itu bernama dalam bahasa Latin karena hubungannya dengan nama keluarga mereka Flavius. Candi Prambanan or Candi Rara Jonggrang is a nineth-century Hindu sanctuary situated in Central Java, Indonesia, and devoted to theTrimurti, the statement of God as the Creator Brahmadescriptive text example about place, the Preserver Vishnu and the Destroyer Shiva.
The sanctuary compound is more or less 17 kilometers 11 mi upper east descriptive text example about place the descriptive text example about place of Yogyakarta on the limit between Central Java and Yogyakarta territories. The sanctuary compound which is considered as an UNESCO World Heritage Site, is the greatest Hindu sanctuary site in Indonesia. It is portrayed by its stature and pointed structural planning, and the towering meter-high ft focal building inside an extensive complex of individual sanctuaries.
Prambanan awes numerous guests from over the world. Candi Prambanan atau Candi Rara Jonggrang adalah candi abad kesembilan-Hindu yang terletak di Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, dan didedikasikan untuk theTrimurti, mengekspresikan perwujudan Tuhan sebagai Pencipta BrahmaPemelihara Wisnu dan Destroyer Siwa. Candi ini sekitar 17 kilometer 11 mil timur laut dari kota Yogyakarta di perbatasan antara Jawa Tengah dan provinsi Yogyakarta. Candi yang dianggap sebagai Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO ini, adalah situs candi Hindu terbesar di Indonesia, descriptive text example about place.
Hal ini ditandai dengan tingginya dan arsitektur runcing dan menjulang 47 meter tinggi ft bangunan utama di dalam kompleks besar dari kui-kuil kecil.
Prambanan mengesankan bagi banyak pengunjung dari seluruh dunia. Libong Sitodo waterway speaks the truth 8 kilometers from Polewali, Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi. On the off chance that you stroll along the stream, you will see a characteristic flawless, captivating, and astounding descriptive text example about place. There is likewise a waterfall called Indo Rannuang there. Both the waterfalls and streams Libong Sitodo is astonishing and this is the normal diversion that you can discover just in kunyi, a little Village, in District Areapi.
Sungai Libong Sitodo adalah sekitar 8 kilometer dari PolewaliKabupaten Polewali MandarSulawesi Barat. Jika Anda berjalan di sepanjang sungaiAnda akan melihat pemandangan alam yang sempurnamenarikdan menakjubkan. Ada juga air terjun yang disebut Indo Rannuang. Air terjun dan sungai Libong Sitodo sangat menakjubkan dan ini adalah hiburan alam yang dapat Anda temukan hanya di kunyidescriptive text example about place, sebuah desa kecildi Kabupaten Areapi.
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Language features of Descriptive text
, time: 9:28Contoh Descriptive Text: City of Rome
Sep 26, · It means you make a Descriptive text. What you wrote is Descriptive Text. If you write about one of your cat, and you describe it features, It’s is the same. I am sure you have understand about it. I will not explain in longer again. Now, Let’s discuss about the example of Descriptive Text. I hope you will more understand about this text Last article is a descriptive text about City of Venice. Now it is about another place, Rome Italy. The generic structure of descriptive writing genre is Identification and followed by Description which shows some aspects of the object being described. Remember, a descriptive text Descriptive Essay Topic About A Place. A special place; The dream home; Describe your favorite place to read; Mountains above the cloud; Disneyland: a place of joy; Descriptive Essay Topic About An Object. Creepy things in my high school; My favorite dress; Describe your most treasured flower vase; An old camera; A lost pair of shoe
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