Descriptive Essay About Nature When you walk around the park on one of the autumn days, it is impossible not to admire the beauty and quintessence of nature. Who can predict exactly when heavy autumn clouds will hide the tired sun for a long time, or how much rains, snows, light frosts there will be, while the earth will be covered in snow? Nov 18, · Descriptive Essay on Nature. November 18, Joan Young. No matter where we go or what we see – nature is always there. Even in the concrete jungle of New York City, you will see a red flower or a green tree that will break the harshness of dirty grey concrete, glass, and neon. In the sunset in Miami, nature gives a breathtaking display of beauty every evening, painting the sky with glorious Example of Descriptive Essay About Nature. The observation of the nature often makes people fascinated but often people believe natural phenomena to be routine. However, people underestimate the beauty of nature, while many people just forget what the nature is. They became too distant from the nature but I revealed the beauty of nature and, since that moment, I have started to appreciate nature
Descriptive Essay on Nature | blogger.com Blog
Verdant hills broiled before me, bubbling away into the distance to pop upon the backs of monstrous mountains. The sweet aroma of the few vibrant flowers on the flat plateau, and the intoxicating sensation of the breeze pawing at my hair, made the scene picturesque and serene. After gaping in awe for several minute, I turned my back from one beautiful landscape only to find my self at another.
The harsh winds of the balds blew around me as I came upon the testaments of the winds power. The tree line appeared as a mass of gnarled, knotted, dead looking trees, the guardians of the forest. It lies gloomily before the surrounding structures.
The southern boundary of th middle of paper And close by a copperhead finds salvation in the damp shadow under our air conditioning unit. Three goats stand in a tree. The Illinois countryside was sweltering in July. The flat earth invited the harsh, dusty winds that hummed a lonely tune.
The sky never took on a hue of blue but instead was always soaked in reddish yellow as if the sun was bleeding into it. There was a worn out house that stood wearily in the middle of a desolate plain.
The sun set behind the forest canopy, descriptive text about nature, leaving the villagers to end their daytime activities. For a brief instant the fading rays of sunlight split the veil of grey that shrouded the sky, as if setting it on fire. The village Brit Shineborn called home lay on the edge of an ancient forest, on the outskirts of Nowhere a few hundred miles south of Somewhere, between the lands of Unexceptional and Mediocre.
It was nothing more than a quaint copse of thatched-roof buildings, and pale sun-dried lawns for which the green shade of life was a distant memory. Upon observation, it appeared to be nothing more than a tight-nit agrarian community, living off the land, concerned with nothing more than surviving each day as it came. I woke up before my alarm. A distant square of eerie half-twilight from the window held the familiar outline of the locust tree.
In the dark, I fumbled to dress without waking my parents. I slipped outside. The sun was still below the horizon but the clouds above the mountains were tainted the color of pomegranates. The dull grass and trees lack vivid colors and present a lackluster mood. Yet, the yellow grass draws you to the horizon of the painting. This seems to resemble the hopefulness of a new crop in the dry crop land. The yellow grass shows the harsh results of a drought that has been sprinkled with blue horizontal streaks.
The blue horizontal streaks demonstrate puddles of water as descriptive text about nature it has recently rained. Those massive leaves hampered the moon light from reaching the ground. The leaves wobbled smoothly in the wind, yet they were mercilessly firm against the moonlight, allowing nothing to pass through the thin gaps between each leaf. My coat was completely soaked, but I felt no chilliness, as my body merged into a comfort pool of isolation.
I glanced slowly and briefly to the old rusty buildings, all dead. It was a cloudy, gloomy evening when I first saw the peacock. I was outside, descriptive text about nature, sitting under an aspen tree, bare as bone and as gnarly as a twisted grin.
The wind whistled, a low, malevolent song that shook the walls of my small home and rattled the falling leaves of the barren trees around me, descriptive text about nature. So this was it. The fall of life. I was extremely breathless considering the vast amount of heat and the lack of descriptive text about nature in this over dry, drought place. It was as though the sun was trying to punish me. I walked through the densest part descriptive text about nature the forest; I eventually came to a clearing.
Here I could see many tropical plants and flowers as bright as the colours of the rainbow. The atmosphere here was calm, no noise apart from that of the insects and animals. Then a damp gust Bringing rain Ganga was sunken, and the limp leaves Waited for rain, while the black clouds Gathered far distant, over Himavant. The jungle crouched, humped in silence. In these lines he seems to tell of a graveyard near a chapel in an upcoming storm. Different images can be seen from the decayed descriptive text about nature in the moonlight, the empty chapel without windows, and the rooster's crows as the lightning and black clouds arrive.
In line"In this decayed hole among the mountains," probably refers to an empty grave that brings images of death and the end of life, or possibly the beginning of a new life to mind. Home Page The Beauty of Nature. The Beauty of Nature Better Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality.
The Beauty of Nature The sunset was not spectacular that day. The vivid ruby and tangerine streaks that so often caressed the blue brow of the sky were sleeping, hidden behind the heavy mists. There are some days when the sunlight seems to dance, to weave and frolic descriptive text about nature tongues of fire between the blades of grass. Not on that day. That evening, the yellow light was sickly. It diffused softly through the gray curtains with a shrouded light that just failed to illuminate.
High up in the treetops, the leaves swayed, but on the ground, the grass was silent, limp and unmoving. The sun set and the earth waited. On the edge of a small wood, an ancient tree sat hunched over, the gnarled, old king of a once vast domain that had long ago been turned to pasture, descriptive text about nature.
The great, gray knees gripped the hard earth with a solidity of purpose that made it difficult to determine just where the tree began and the soil ended, so strong was the union of the ancient bark and grainy sustenance. Many years had those roots known—years when the dry sands had shriveled the outer branches under a parched sun, years when the waters had risen up, drowning those same sands in the tears of unceasing time.
Many sands had the tree known; many green neighbors had come and gone, yet the tree remained. The mighty roots had endured such whips and descriptive text about nature as had been cast upon it, but the old tree had survived, a pillar of twisted iron and horn against descriptive text about nature now sickly sky. In the waning light of evening, the tree waited. In the deep crevices between the tufts of grass, the shadows stalked slowly upward, submerging the sandy earth in an inky sea.
The sun sank until only its last, thin razor of light glimmered over the fields. Time stretched its ancient joint Tiny children of the mother tree, they were doomed to live out their lives under her suffocating blanket of branches. Now as they gazed upward, innumerable points of light gazed back. A light wind rustled the miniature stalks of the saplings, blowing the new debris around in short-lived eddies that danced softly through the night.
Then, slowly at first, but with ever increasing intensity, a small glimmer appeared on the glossy leaves, descriptive text about nature. Through the whispering blades of grass, a brilliant fire arose from the depths turning the lingering water droplets into liquid silver that dripped from expectant leaves and flowed gurgling into shallow puddles, bathing the young trees with the succulent taste of a new day. And the golden morning sun rose. Get Access. Good Essays, descriptive text about nature.
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, time: 35:24Descriptive Essay on Nature | blogger.com
Example of Descriptive Essay About Nature. The observation of the nature often makes people fascinated but often people believe natural phenomena to be routine. However, people underestimate the beauty of nature, while many people just forget what the nature is. They became too distant from the nature but I revealed the beauty of nature and, since that moment, I have started to appreciate nature Oct 02, · Descriptive Essay on Nature. 2 October, , by Steven Arndt. I’m not that kind of a person, who can have a lack of inspiration. When life seems dark and overshadowed, all I need to do to meet my Muse is to go for a walk in a local park. Regardless of the season, I am always excited about admiring the Mother Nature and absorbing its beauty The Beauty of Nature. The Beauty of Nature. The sunset was not spectacular that day. The vivid ruby and tangerine streaks that so often caressed the blue brow of the sky were sleeping, hidden behind the heavy mists. There are some days when the sunlight seems to dance, to weave and frolic with tongues of fire between the blades of grass
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